PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville
The puppet show in Joyville was once a wondrous attraction until the great fire. Now, rusted gears and dark mysteries lay within strange machinations and disheveled puppets. A young boy, Simon, is the most recent in a long line of missing people. In PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville, you are tasked with solving nefarious puzzles, finding hidden clues, and uncovering the dark secrets of a town that is anything but joyful.
- Beautiful, immersive world
- Find hidden clues to solve puzzles
- Uncover a dark mystery!
Hi Snow
Both DF and FF have an: General extraction error Location ES1
Hi Lori!
Thanks for the lovely picture! It’s already noon here, but goodmorning to you! I hope you have a nice day.
If you are using Windows 10 the game wont run. It’s the first of the series and it’s old
Awesome. Thank you, Snow.
Thanks to YOU
This one and #s 2, 5, 7 not found
All done
Hi snow. can this link be updated? finished downloading it but when installed only show a black screen. thanks!
Hello my lovely Rose. I just tested it and it worked ok for me. I have this other version that you can try, from here:
Let me know how it will go!
Hiiii Snow!!! thanks buddy. how you’re doing? I’ll try them later but just read your old post that if its windows 10 and above the game wont run. Does this new link works for windows 11?
I don’t think so my lovely Rose. But if you want you can try it