Wayward Manor

Wayward Manor

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Wayward Manor invites you to jump into the afterlife of a disgruntled ghost, trying to reclaim his house from its newfound owners. Set in the 1920s, this puzzle/adventure game transports players to an era of dark screwball comedy where they must unlock the secrets of a twisted mansion. Players will discover the quirks of Wayward Manors unwelcome guests and choose how to prey on their darkest fears.


The Budds, a dysfunctional family of misfits and eccentrics, have brought their own abysmal possessions into your humble abode and stifled your power. Each level is a playground for scares where players earn fear to take back control of the room. If you want free reign over your mansion once again, you must drive the Budds mad with fear using only your imagination and their hideous belongings.


What started as a Lego prototype that The Odd Gentlemen and Neil Gaiman played together one afternoon, soon became a unique collaboration to tell a story through a nonlinear puzzle/adventure game hybrid, where the player learns about the characters and world through their observations and discovery. First launched on the website WhoHauntsNeil.com, Wayward Manor has been slowly unveiling its story and world to a whole new audience. Wayward Manor is Neil Gaimans first foray into video games.

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  • Discover 9 quirky inhabitants each with their own desires, fears, and anxieties;
  • Possess ghastly furnishings to manipulate the Budds into dire consequences;
  • Level up as you absorb fear to take control of each room;Pleasantly dark tone reminiscent of old Hollywood whodunit mysteries;
  • Five floors, each filled with new items to posses and new ways to terrify;
  • Find secret scares and multiple solutions to every puzzle;
  • Musically themed characters each represented by their own instrument;
  • A story crafted and narrated by Neil Gaiman;
  • Featuring art from the Eisner award winning artist Chuck BB.




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July 20, 2015 6:12 am

The link on depositfiles doesn’t work; it says the file doesn’t exist 🙁

Reply to  andy
July 20, 2015 7:36 am

Thanks for letting me know Andy, I replaced the broken link, you can download the game now. Have fun 🙂

August 28, 2015 10:44 am

Hi Snowangel, I love this site and all the variety of games. It’s really awesome. Snowangel there’s a glitch with Wayward Manor. I can’t finish the first level, it doesn’t save and the pause/menu button on the upper right disappears. This seems like a really fun cute game. I think that it’s a devs problem but hopefully you can fix it.

Reply to  Lori
September 1, 2015 12:54 pm

i know i tried this game i dont know if had finished 1st level or not let me check my copy and let u know maybe it will help… u may have to try to redownload if mine is working

Reply to  BluePanda
September 1, 2015 9:12 pm

Okay. Thank you.

Reply to  Lori
September 2, 2015 12:31 pm

yea my copy was good too but im on windows 7 ,on an hp notebook laptop(sorry i could b more help) like snow said re-download using her link shes great she’ll help u with anything shes real good at fixing problems with the games and she wont stop helping until either its fixed or shes completely stumped(even then shell point u in the right direction to help figure it out) (this is y i love this site) shes fast getting back very attentive and she tries the games herself as well, shes a very sweet helpful friend

Reply to  BluePanda
September 2, 2015 10:56 pm

I am going to uninstall, reinstall see what happens. I have a dell laptop which I upgraded to W10. (Everything works.) I tried the compatibility test but none worked. I would complete the whole level but it wouldn’t go to the next one. And yeah, I noticed snow is always there and so helpful. Which is wonderful. Thanks I’ll let you and snow know the outcome. 🙂

Reply to  Lori
September 3, 2015 12:49 pm

yea i hate when that happens nothing wrong and cant figure it out.. i havent tried w10 im still waiting to learn more about it i was afraid my games wouldnt work anymore… at first i was excited then i read a few articles and decided to wait i figure maybe i will update when i get a new laptop i just like windows 7 but i cant judge 10 cuz i never used it how do you like it ? is it nice i heard u gotta go through and turn a lot of stuff off cuz they spy on u and stuff but they have a thing called like spy10 or something

Reply to  BluePanda
September 3, 2015 11:56 pm

No luck. It doesn’t work. Oh, well, you win some you lose some but at best there’s loads of games still. I haven’t had any problems with 10 and the games work. I like 7 and didn’t want to let it go. But, I figured might as well upgrade for free. It’s like 7 and 8.1 put together. As long as you always allow updates it shouldn’t be a problem. One could install it and roll back uninstalling if it’s not liked. I like it it’s cleaner, simpler and faster. And internet explorer is improved it’s called edge which reminds me of edge from U2. Lol. But, if you don’t want to when you have time go to a store and check out the computers there. Or someone you know. You get a better feel for it hands on. Spied on. We all know everything spies on us, google, facebook, etc. We can’t escape it entirely we just have to block as much as we could. Am going to check spy10. Thanks. Love your avatar is that little baby (kitty) yours?

Reply to  Lori
September 4, 2015 12:54 pm

yea check the spy thing out definetly but u r right they do spy already but i just had heard a lot of talk thats all i mean im still interested in win10 i was just nervous reading alot about it but ive got like a year to d/l it and thank for ur compliment on my kitty i wish it were my cat but unfortunately i found it just surfing around i got 2 kittys but one is black and some white she has a white mustache its so cute her name is stashia and the other named DC shes white with like spots of tiger stripes black brown and tan and like a mask of it on her face

Reply to  BluePanda
September 5, 2015 12:16 am

Am sorry I didn’t mean it to sound like that I agree with you about the spying. They say the active tiles, cortana and the cloud keep track of the sites you visit and your interests so that they can service us better. They even say don’t save anything personal in the cloud. It’s really important to read the terms & private policies if it’s shown to us. Some tell you they keep track of you and get even creepy when they ask for personal info, as well; name, address, date of birth, phone, email…what the hell for. I say WHAT? HELL NO!!! to them, lol. I have two cats too a black and white one gigi and a brown, black and white stripes rascal. Oh he earned his name. Have a good labor day weekend.

Reply to  Lori
September 2, 2015 5:38 am

Hi Lori, sorry for the delay, I tested the game and it didn’t gave me any problems in the first level.
But I know those applications are working different for every pc, so unistall and delete the one you have and re-download this one http://www.filefactory.com/file/6gwwsl8o5xxx/Wayward%20Manor.rar

Maybe it will work better for you. Let me know 🙂

Reply to  Snowangel
September 2, 2015 11:00 pm

Thanks Snowangel I am going to do that. I’ll keep you informed.

Reply to  Snowangel
September 4, 2015 12:46 am

No the game doesn’t work. Same issues and the one from ff… my mouse pointer is a no show. But, that’s okay. I still love snowangel. There are endless games to play. Thank you. BTW, I like the new layout. 😉

Reply to  Snowangel
March 15, 2022 2:53 pm

Hi!!! Until Now know about this Game, I downloaded but have the same problem with the first level. The second link You share don’t exist. Help please, really I want to play it