Cozy Grove
Welcome to Cozy Grove, a game about camping on a haunted, ever-changing island. As a Spirit Scout, you’ll wander the island’s forest each day, finding new hidden secrets and helping soothe the local ghosts. With a little time and a lot of crafting, you’ll bring color and joy back to Cozy Grove!
- Beautiful, dynamic, hand-drawn landscapes that come alive when you help a spirit in need.
- Dozens of memorable characters and spirits for you to find and befriend. Each spirit has a unique, extensive story for you to unravel over time.
- Collect spirit animals, craft decorations, go fishing and more!
- 40+ hour campaign filled with side quests, designed to span months of playtime.
Like Animal Crossing, Cozy Grove is synced to real world time, and provides 30-60 minutes of new quest content each day. After that, you can fish, craft and decorate to your heart’s content!
@Snowangel Can I please get new download link for this game. Thank you in advance.:)
Also the Request Link doesn’t show anymore so hoping I’m not upsetting you by posting from game.
Request page is back
New link for Cozy Grove is ready. It’s ok posting in games for broken links. I prefer keeping the request post for new games requests.
happy holidays
link is down
please update and also please make sure it’s the latest version
also if i want to request a game do I Click on contact us or the request button
because this is the first time i saw the request button
I’m Asking because
I Contacted you requesting a game and usually you always reply when it’s the morning in Greece but this time there was no reply so I Thought You didn’t get my message
should I request in the request section Or In The Contact Us Section?
Hi Feye. I updated the link.
If you mean the email about dream chronicles, I replied awhile ago. It went to spam and I just saw it.
You can post your requests anywhere you want, it’s the same for me. If it’s requesting a game then better in the request section in the site, I will see it sooner. If it’s something about help, better send it in contact us section. Also, sometimes I don’t reply within 24 hours, it might take a little longer.
thank you very much for fixing it
I Actually forgot About Dream Chronicles and you reminded me now so thank you and I’m grateful that you searched about it, I have A Windows xp But It’s so old and Its performance is weak that’s why I thought there might be a way but I guess not, I Already Finished the whole series but you know Nostalgia
THANK YOU for reminding me about dream chronicles, because I was sure than I Sent something but wasn’t sure what exactly and completely forgot about it
and No the contact I Mentioned wasn’t about dream chronicles, I Contacted you 2 to 3 days ago requesting a game series called forgotten lands, it’s only 2 games from blue tea games, the same creators behind dark parables
I though that you have it because not long ago you uploaded two games called enlighten us so i thought you have all blue tea games but when I Searched there was nothing called forgotten lands
You’re welcome Feye.
I never got an email about forgotten lands.. I only have one game with that name, it’s actually called Forgotten Lands: First Colony. If that’s the one you want you can download it from here:
thank you
I Was Mistaken
I mistook Two Games From Blue Tea Games because They share The First Word In The Title
the game series That I Wanted is forgotten riddles from blue tea games
I Mixed Between The Two because both have forgotten in the title
So Please If You Have This Game series Upload It
It’s Two Games
The Mayan Princess
The Moonlight Sonata
Thank You And Sorry For Mixing
I will post both games today, Feye